
Social interactions and relationships, school and
career challenges and goals, lifestyle goals and habits.

A holistic, goal-oriented, and collaborative
coaching experience tailored just for you.

Align with your authentic self by partnering with a wellness coach.

 In our coaching sessions we work with children, adolescents, adults of all ages, couples and families. Our coaching approach is holistic, goal-oriented, exploratory and collaborative. We actively work with you to help you meet your goals and to lead a sustainable, fulfilling, inspired and purpose-filled life.

We provide wellness coaching for:

Social Interactions and Relationships

Wellness coaching for social interactions is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to improve their interpersonal skills and overall well-being in our interconnected world. Whether you struggle with effective communication, social anxiety, or maintaining healthy boundaries, wellness coaching offers tailored solutions. Through coaching, you can gain self-awareness, develop personalized strategies, and boost self-confidence, all of which contribute to enhanced social interactions. As your social skills improve, you’ll find that you can build more meaningful relationships with friends, family, and colleagues, leading to greater overall life satisfaction and well-being.

School or Career Challenges
& Goals

The pressure to achieve educational and career milestones can be overwhelming. Individuals may seek coaching to address challenges such as time management, motivation, and stress management. Coaching provides a structured and personalized approach to guide students and professionals in setting clear objectives, developing effective study or work habits, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Through wellness coaching, individuals can tap into their full potential, gain clarity about their aspirations, and acquire the skills and strategies necessary for academic and career success.

Holistic Well-Being for All Aspects of Your Life

Wellness coaching offers a supportive framework for individuals to identify their core values, clarify their life goals, and create a holistic plan that encompasses various aspects of well-being, including physical health, mental well-being, relationships, and personal growth. We work on:

  • Life purpose (growth & learning, spirituality)
  • Business life (money & finance, career & work)
  • Creative life (health & fitness, fun & recreation)
  • Social life (environment, community)
  • Love life (family & friends, partners & love)

and much more.

Healing and growth are at the heart of everything we do.

Visit Us


90 Broad Street, Suite 227
NY, NY 10004